Theory & Application of Network Coding
This is an advanced short course in Network Coding with recommended pre-requisites of probability theory and some background in information theory is helpful, but no background in information theory or coding theory is assumed.
The module will provide basic and in-depth knowledge of this rapidly evolving area and cover concepts, theories, and solutions for a broad range of network coding problems. The module will also provide a comprehensive survey on potential applications of the network coding technique in wireless networks and network storage. We will emphasize deep connections between network coding and other areas of the Science of Information, such as complexity theory, graph theory, matroid theory, coding theory, and information theory.
The module will provide a comprehensive survey of discoveries and insights gained from years of intensive research. We will also discuss open problems and present new exciting opportunities in wireless coding research and applications. The tutorial will enable the participants to get familiar with the recent developments in this exciting area and apply wireless network coding technique in a variety of practical domains.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the module, the students will:
*Be familiar with the fundamentals of the theory of network coding;
* Understand the basic concepts of network coding;
* Understand the potentials of network coding in improving performance, reliability, and security of communication networks.