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At the Center for Science of Information, our mission is to advance science and technology through a new quantitative understanding of the representation, communication, and processing of information in biological, physical, social, and engineered systems. We aim to do this through the following goals:

  • Integrative research: Create a shared intellectual space, integral to the center's activities, providing a collaborative research environment that crosses disciplinary and institutional boundaries.
  • Education, human resources, and diversity: Integrate cutting-edge, multidisciplinary research and education efforts across the center to advance the training and diversity of the work force.
  • Knowledge transfer: Develop effective mechanisms for interactions between the center and external stakeholders to support the exchange of knowledge, data, and the application of new technologies.
  • Leadership and management: Accomplish the center's mission through inspirational leadership, inclusive and transparent decision-making, catalyzing new research opportunities, and facilitating collaborative efforts.
  • Ethics: Implement a multidisciplinary and multi-institutional program to inform and guide all members of the center on the ethical and responsible conduct of scientific research.


Fostering a Productive Research and Education Environment

A diverse, inclusive community is an integral part of the Purdue experience.

It is vital that we:

  • Create and sustain a welcoming campus where all students can excel
  • Increase and retain the number of historically underrepresented and diverse students, faculty and staff at Purdue
  • Prepare all students to thrive in our diverse, global environment


Statement from the National Science Foundation

“As the primary funding agency of fundamental science and engineering research in the United States, NSF is committed to promoting safe, productive research and education environments for current and future scientists and engineers. We consider the Principal Investigator (PI) and any co-PI(s) identified on an NSF award to be in positions of trust. The PI and co-PI and all grant personnel must comport themselves in a responsible and accountable manner, including during the performance of award activities conducted outside the organization, such as at field sites or facilities, or during conferences and workshops.”

Additional Information


CSoI Statement

The Center for Science of Information at Purdue University recognizes the right of every woman and man to freely pursue and attain their educational and scientific goals free from undue interference with those pursuits. This includes the absolute right to work and study in an environment free from sexual harassment and other, similar misconduct, which has no place in our work and is patently unacceptable to us.

The Center also recognizes the central importance of due process for those who have been accused of such behavior. We respect each institution's right and obligation to promulgate fair procedures for resolving such claims, and reserve judgment on allegations until those procedures are concluded and findings and conclusions are rendered by the appropriate body.