This introductory module will explore and demystify the elements and impacts of energy and its relationship with human systems, including digital systems. To be fully informed as students and citizens in the digital age, we must also gain a literacy of energy and economy. Becoming digitally literate while ignoring the physical realities of energy leaves out a crucial element in our collective knowledge.
Originally created for the University of Minnesota Honors Freshmen Experience, Nate Hagens, PhD, Professor at University of Minnesota, serving on the Board of Directors at the Post Carbon Institute, guides us through the complexities of energy.
Pre-requisites: None
You will learn about:
* How our cultural myths about energy and economy blind us to the realities of how we use energy in the digital age, and its resulting impacts * Energy surplus, benefits, scale, and impacts related to our human systems * Energy primacy; why and how energy is central to our human economies * Energy depletion and transferability * Energy transitions, and relationship to our future
Module Author: Nate Hagens, PhD Freshmen Honors Program University of Minnesota