Data and Information Ethics
This track presents concepts, cases, and frameworks that underscore the critical need for students and practitioners of data and information science to gain an understanding of the ethical issues being driven by the age of data and information. There are no pre-requisites for this track.
CSoI has brought scholars such as Luciano Floridi and Andrew Iliadis presenting the Philosophy of Information and we've collaborated with Purdue's School of Information Studies in the effort to bring scholars for campus-wide discussions including Safiya Noble, Virginia Eubanks, and Ruha Benjamin, along with developing new modules with Kendall Roark and Madison Whitman introducing the field of Critical Data Studies.
The first four tutorials in this track are Prestige Lectures introducing topics related to ethics, information, data, algorithms, and their societal impacts. The Philosophy of Information and Ethics module series by Andrew Iliadis invites a deeper dive into the topics introduced in the Prestige Lecture from Floridi, and the module from Roark and Whitman introduces the growing field of Critical Data Studies providing frameworks and concepts with which to examine the impacts of data use and misuse on individuals and society.

Introduction to Ethics and Philosophy of Information
Prerequisite: None

Critical Data Studies: A Brief Introduction
Prerequisite: None