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  • Nanoelectronics Course to be First of Many from

  • Posted in Center News : Thursday, November 17, 2011

    nanoHUB is launching a suite of online courses beginning with Supriyo Datta's Nanoelectronics class on January 23, 2012.

    These unique courses were developed by Prof. Dattaon nanoscience and nanotechnology and will be offered over the next couple of years. This initiative builds on the significant amount of content on and on the content developed for the annual summer schools.

    The courses are designed to be broadly accessible without many prerequisites and are provided in a short, five week format. No Purdue credit is offered, however, these courses will provide a structured way for students to learn about the latest developments and concepts in nanotechnology. For a small fee, students can get access to completely new course content that is not publicly available.