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  • Madars Virza - Two Problems in Integrity Verification

  • Tuesday, May 14, 2013 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM EDT
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    With advent of cloud computing it is possible for weak clients todelegate their computational workloads to much more powerful off-site workers. In many scenarios, this asymmetry in computational power has been accompanied by asymmetry of trust, where clients have limited means to check correctness of results provided by the cloud service. In this presentation I will survey our work on two problems in verified computation: database query verification and verifying execution of arbitrary programs. We build on recent theoretical progress to arrive at practical solutions to both of them. In the former we achieve integrity, completeness and freshness verification for certain queries in dynamic outsourced databases, while in the latter we provide a practical non-interactive argument system for arbitrary NP languages.