Our engaged learning and training model has fostered diverse student cohorts working in interdisciplinary,
multi-institutional research teams that progress to co-producing results shared at conferences and in journal publications
CSoI training and fostering student team research has had a positive effect throughout the larger CSoI student community.
GLMM analysis comparing our students who collaborated with others in our community vs. those that did not collaborate* reveals that our collaborating graduate students are significantly more productive in publishing journal papers (2.81 vs. 2.04, p< .001, *n=256, F=11.89,) as well as producing more conference posters/presentations (3.06 vs. 2.59, p= .07), with these results due primarily to the act of collaboration itself.
*only students with at least one publication in a sample year are included for that year in the analysis
This graph shows the percentage of students each NSF yearly period in the CSoI membership that are collaborating on research with other members in our community.