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  • Math-Prep Team - "Implications of Teacher Knowledge and Attitudes: A Cross-National Exploration of Secondary Math Teacher Preparation".

  • Posted in Research Teams :

    This team brings together two educational psychologists with a physicist/data scientist, a computer scientist, and an environmental scientist to address a systemic problem in U.S. education: Secondary education teacher preparation in math. The U.S. is 39th place world-wide in math achievement. Such outcomes negatively impact the number of U.S. citizens who are well prepared to study and research in the science of information fields and STEM fields in general. Recent studies are showing that there are significant positive relationships between teachers' attitudes toward math and math ability with the resulting math performance of their students. This team's primary goal is to use data-driven approaches to explore STEM teacher preparation and attitudes about math in and across six countries (South Korea, United States, Taiwan, Mexico, Bulgaria, and Germany) and then making this data analysis accessible and digestible for policymakers to improve the fact-based conversation around how best to prepare teachers in STEM fields in the U.S.

    View the team's presentation from May 6, 2020 via our YouTube Channel (slides PDF below in resources)