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  • An Introduction to the Basics of Game Theory

  • Thursday, October 28, 2010
    HAAS 202C, 250 N. University St.
    Purdue University

    Some of the concepts of the Science of Information can be phrased in terms of game theory, in which there is a matrix system, with a protagonist and an antagonist who have stochastic strategies. In a game, a (potentially large) matrix of outcomes is given. Each row corresponds to a strategy of one player, and each column corresponds to a strategy of the other player. The two players choose randomized strategies to achieve their goals. Game theory is rich with connections to linear programming. Applications of the basics concepts of game theory are found in many areas related to the Science of Information.

    If time permits, we will also give an introduction to combinatorial game theory, in which the winner of the game can be known from the beginning, and thus the combinatorial structure of the game (often viewed as a graph) is of key importance.

    ***No background is necessary. The level of presentation should be suitable for any graduate students and even for advanced undergraduate students.